Thursday, October 3, 2013

Faith & Flossing

Lemma share something with you.

Faith is a lot like flossing. 


 Now if you're thinking I'm nuts and well yes... But just hang on here and see what I mean.

You see we get one set of teeth if we're lucky. We have to take care of those teeth. Flossing helps us do that by fighting the nasty junk in our mouths. It is important because it reduces the risk of having tooth decay, prevents having bad breath, prevents gum problems, prevents tartar build up, reduces risk and complications of certain diseases. So flossing is an important part of our lives.

As is our faith. You only get one life and its simple. You either go to Heaven or you go to Hell. While you may fight me on this one, you have to realize that its true. You have two choices, that's it.

Okay so how do flossing & faith go together? 

Well its like this. No one really likes to floss, unless you are those crazy people who dig their teeth and teeth in general (I happen to be one of those freaks) so most people don't do it or occasionally will. Flossing is a habit you have to get yourself in too. Once you start and do it then it becomes part of your life, your routine, so thus it becomes normal and natural. You keep it up because its a part of you & what you do daily and then you don't even think about it you just do it. Faith is a lot like that too. Now mind you, its not something that has to be forced, just roll with me here. A lot of times we are busy. We have a lot going on from school, work, family life, activities, dating, etc. We all know that most of us put God some where in there (its like drive by faith) and how we should be having a God day and putting those other things in there instead of the other way around. So its hard to get in to the word. Hard to stop and read your bible, journal, pray, and just plain be in His presence. We don't make the time, just like flossing. We know we need to be doing it because of the benefits of doing it but we don't because we are lazy and put other things first.

The thing is, our faith is very much like how we have to take on flossing. When we start to do it, it becomes a habit, habit becomes a routine, and routine becomes our daily part of our lives. To the point we are in the word, praying, journaling, being with like minded people, church, etc. 

Sometimes we don't want to floss. We go to the dentist and tell them that we did once about 2 months ago, or we are honest and tell them we never floss. Sometimes we don't want to get in to the word because we put other things before it, telling God we don't have the time. But both are beneficial to our lives. Both will help us be better people. Both can be a positive thing. 

I encourage you friends, to put faith in your hands. Choose to make the difference and get in to the word. Make it a habit. A routine. A daily thing. Once you do, I can assure you that God will show himself mightily and you will be blessed!

p.s. try flossing too, go on you know you want healthy teeth! (okay so that's an added perk to life and health and spoken from a true flossing nut!)

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